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Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften


Die unten stehende Übersicht enthält aktuelle Publikationen der Professur. Work-in-progress sowie ältere Publikationen finden Sie auch auf den jeweiligen Seiten der Mitarbeiter.


  • Ludger Linnemann. "The composition of public spending and the inflationary effects of fiscal policy shocks" (with M. Klein), European Economic Review 104460 (2023)


  • Ludger Linnemann. "Real exchange rate and international spillover effects of US technology shocks" (with M. Klein),  Journal of International Economics (forthcoming).
  • Keweloh, Sascha Alexander. "A Generalized Method of Moments Estimator for Structural Vector Autoregressions Based on Higher Moments." Journal of Business & Economic Sta­tis­tics 39.3 (2021): 772-782


  • Ludger Linnemann. "The time-varying effects of fiscal policy on inflation: evidence from historical US data" (with M. Klein),  Economics Letters 186 (2020).


  • Ludger Linnemann. "Tax and spending shocks in the open economy: are the deficits twins?" (with M. Klein), European Economic Review 120 (2019).
  • Ludger Linnemann. "Macroeconomic effects of government spending: the Great Recession was (really) different" (with M. Klein), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 51 (2019), pp. 1237-1264.


  • Ivens, Annika. “Fiscal devaluation in the Euro Area: The role of rigidities, non-tradables, and social security contributions”, Journal of International Money and Finance 87, 2018
  • Ivens, Annika. “Optimal fiscal policy under private debt deleveraging”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 97, 2018